Nigeria Police Shortlisted Candidates PDF


Are you looking to check if your name is on the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) Shortlisted Candidates list for 2024? You’ve come to the right place. We provide details on how to view the list of candidates who have been shortlisted for the upcoming screening exercise.

If you applied for the Nigeria Police Force Recruitment 2024, you can now verify whether you’ve been selected for the next phase. This guide will walk you through the process of checking the Nigeria Police Shortlist 2024 on the official portal,

According to official sources, the names of the shortlisted candidates for 2024 have been posted on the NPF shortlist portal. Those whose names appear on the list have been invited to participate in the forthcoming screening.

Checking the Nigeria Police Shortlisted Candidates 2024

To check if you are on the 2024 shortlist, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the NPF Shortlist Portal at
  2. Enter your Application ID.
  3. Navigate to the Shortlisted Candidates section.
  4. Download the PDF list and locate your name.

If your name is not listed, you are not required to attend the screening, and doing so may result in penalties as prescribed by the Nigeria Police Authorities.

For those who find their names on the list, start preparing for the nationwide screening process. Further details, including the screening venue and requirements, will be provided. 

The Inspector-General of Police has confirmed that notifications have been sent to all shortlisted candidates. 

For additional updates and information, including details on the physical and medical screenings that will follow, visit

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