Facebook has deleted the pages of 63,000 fraudsters in Nigeria

The company Meta has announced the deletion of 63,000 pages of Nigerians who cheat people by hiding in love and willing.

Meta, which owns Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, said that most victims of fraud are men in the United States.The company's announcement said that the deleted pages contained 2,500 of a group of 20 people.

"They're the biggest scammer in the US, and they're using a fake site," the statement said.

The company added that the constituencies often threaten to expose the pornographic images of those who want to cheat if they refuse to give them the money they asked for after exchanging pictures between them for a long time.Nigeria is notorious for internet scams known as "yahoo guys."

The company said that the new technologies that have been developed have helped it identify the constituencies.

It is seen that the problem of the pressure of life in Nigeria has caused the activities of fraud on the internet to increase, mostly among young people.

Thank you.

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